vote on november 6, 2018!
The US mid term elections will be held on November 6th, 2018. This is an election of the highest importance for the American people, US residents and really anyone else in the country and abroad. Make sure you make time to go to your polling place and make your voice heard. I made these three posters to support the effort to get out the vote. Feel free to download them, print them or share them online.
To download the posters, click on the download link, right click to “Save Image As…”, or download from your browser tab. A credit to @pattesdemouche or Nina Summer is always appreciated. Thank you, and happy voting!
Want to know where candidate stand on important issues?
Want to preview your ballot?
If you encounter any trouble while voting, contact Election Protection Hotline: (866) OUR-VOTE -- (866) 687-8683
A few helpful links:
General information:
Want to know who’s on your ballot?
Some stats about voter turn out in the US: